Call to action on the eve of National Indigenous Peoples Day

Today, Prisoners’ Legal Services called on the governments of Canada and British Columbia to take immediate and dramatic action to address the crisis of the over-representation of Indigenous prisoners.

Click here to see our open letter to government.

We make this call to action with other leaders in the legal community, including the Canadian Prison Law Association, the Indigenous Bar Association, the Criminal Trial Lawyers Association, the Alberta Prison Justice Society.

PLS’ submission to the Senate Committee on Bill C-83

Bill C-83 has undergone some amendments since we made our submissions to government in November, 2018. However, PLS is still concerned that the Bill does not take Canada’s use of isolation out of the United Nation’s definition of solitary confinement, and recent case law confirms that the Bill would not survive scrutiny under the Charter. The Bill is now before the Senate. You can read our submissions to the Senate committee reviewing Bill C-83 here.