Letter to Commissioner Anne Kelly regarding correctional officers on treatment centre living units and officers cutting clothes off people in prison
Today, Prisoners' Legal Services wrote to Correctional Service Canada Commissioner Anne Kelly asking for policy reform to prohibit correctional officers from cutting the clothes off people in prison, and preventing correctional officers from being present on living...
Letter to Premier Horgan calling on BC to fund initiatives for Indigenous-run alternatives to prison
Today, Prisoners' Legal Services wrote to Premier Horgan calling on BC to fund initiatives for Indigenous-run alternatives to prison. Click here to see the letter.
PLS’ 2022 submissions to the BC Finance Committee
On September 2, 2021, Prisoners’ Legal Services presented to the BC Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services. You can read our written submission here.
PLS Submission to Public Safety Committee
On Friday June 18, 2021, Prisoners' Legal Services made submissions to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on CSC's response to COVID-19, its implementation of Structured Intervention Units and sexual violence in federal...
PLS’ 2021 submission to the BC Finance Committee
On June 6, 2020, Prisoners' Legal Services made a submission to the BC Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services. You can read our submission here.
PLS’ submission to the Senate Committee on Bill C-83
Bill C-83 has undergone some amendments since we made our submissions to government in November, 2018. However, PLS is still concerned that the Bill does not take Canada's use of isolation out of the United Nation's definition of solitary confinement, and recent case...
The discriminatory effect of security classification policy – Open letter to CSC Commissioner Anne Kelly
The Correctional Service Canada classifies prisoners to higher security if they have a high "institutional adjustment" rating. Prisoners' Legal Services is concerned that this factor is being applied in a discriminatory way against vulnerable groups, including...
PLS’ Submissions on Bill C-83 – Amendments to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act
PLS’ Submissions on Bill C-83 – Amendments to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act On November 19, 2018, Prisoners’ Legal Services made submissions to the federal government on Bill C-83, An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Release Act. Bill C-83...
International law ethical guidelines for medical professionals working in prisons
International law ethical guidelines for medical professionals working in prisons International law requires health care providers who work in prisons not to participate actively or passively in torture or other cruel treatment or punishment. Prisoners’ Legal Services...
Submissions regarding Canada’s Third Universal Periodic Review
Submissions regarding Canada's Third Universal Periodic Review On July 16, 2018, PLS attended a meeting with representatives from the Department of Canadian Heritage regarding Canada’s United Nations Human Rights Council third universal periodic review of Canada. 107...
PLS appears before the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights
PLS appears before the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights On August 11, 2018, Prisoners' Legal Services appeared before the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights for its study on the human rights of prisoners in Canada. We recommend that Canada invest in...
Status of Women – Study on Indigenous Women Prisoners
Prisoners’ Legal Services executive director, Jennifer Metcalfe, appeared today before the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women as part of their current study on Indigenous women prisoners. Click here to read her speaking notes.
Ms. Metcalfe called on government to engage with First Nations and Indigenous organizations for self-determination in the administration of correctional services, and to ensure that they are well resourced to provide full wrap-around support for women who have experienced multi-generational trauma.
CSC Policy: Consideration of Aboriginal Social History
Correctional Service Canada is currently updating policy regarding the consideration of Aboriginal Social History in the administration of Indigenous prisoners’ sentences. PLS supports these initiatives and provided feedback on making this policy even stronger. You can read our comments here.
Prisoners’ Legal Services recommends reforms to British Columbia correctional laws.
Prisoners' Legal Services recommends reforms to British Columbia correctional laws. Today, August 30, 2017, Prisoners' Legal Services wrote to Premier John Horgan, Attorney General David Eby and Public Safety Minister Mike Farnworth with a list of recommendations for...
Correctional Service Canada is failing to treat prisoners with drug addictions. Read our letter.
Correctional Service Canada is failing to treat prisoners with drug addictions. Read our letter. On July 17, 2017, Prisoners' Legal Services wrote to Correctional Service Canada on behalf of 33 prisoners struggling with addiction who are unable to get appropriate...
WCPJS Draft proposed transgender policy
Open letter to Public Safety Minister, the Hon. Mr. Ralph Goodale
Open letter to Public Safety Minister, the Hon. Mr. Ralph Goodale Prisoners’ Legal Services congratulates Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his team on their election win. We look forward to working with the Minister of Public Safety, the Hon. Mr. Ralph Goodale, to...
Prisoners’ Legal Services Calls on Health Care Professionals to Stand Up Against Solitary Confinement in Canada
Prisoners' Legal Services Calls on Health Care Professionals to Stand Up Against Solitary Confinement in Canada Prisoners’ Legal Services (PLS) is rallying federal and BC health services bodies to develop policy to stop the abuse of solitary confinement in Canadian...
Canada proposes increasing prison disciplinary fines
Canada proposes increasing prison disciplinary fines Federal prisoners earn very little in wages or welfare while in prison. Working prisoners are required to pay for room, board and the telephone system as well as fees for the Inmate Welfare Fund, over the counter...
Proposed reguations will limit prisoner visits and increase searches
Proposed regulations will limit prisoner visits and increase searches The West Coast Prison Justice Society has endorsed submissions made by the Canadian Prison Law Association that are critical of proposed regulations that would limit the right of prisoners to have...
Transgender Prisoners: Recommendations to CSC
Transgender Prisoners: Recommendations to CSC On March 19, 2014, Prisoners’ Legal Services made a number of recommendations to the Correctional Service of Canada for improving the rights of transgender prisoners. Read our recommendations here. Prisoners’ Legal...
PLS on BC Corrections: Programs and Release Planning
PLS on BC Corrections: Programs and Release Planning On Thursday, January 16, 2014, Prisoners’ Legal Services participated in a roundtable discussion regarding the safety of staff, prisoners and the community in BC, hosted by MLA Thrones, the Parliamentary Secretary...
January 2014 Roundtable Meeting with BC Corrections
January 2014 Roundtable Meeting with BC Corrections On Thursday, January 16, 2014, Prisoners’ Legal Services participated in a roundtable discussion regarding the safety of staff, prisoners and the community in BC, hosted by MLA Thrones, the...
Prisoners’ Legal Services
302-7818 6th Street
Burnaby, BC
Tel: 604-636-0470
Fax: 604-636-0480

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How to Show Your Support
Help us to continue to fight for the human rights of prisoners in BC! PLS is currently litigating the important systemic issues of the segregation of prisoners with mental disabilities, access to health care, transgender prisoner rights, and access to religion and Indigenous spirituality. We need help to continue to do this important work. Donations to West Coast Prison Justice Society are non-charitable and are not tax deductible.
Donations can be made to
West Coast Prison Justice Society
Please call us at 604-636-0470 or email us at if you would like to discuss your donation.
Thanks for your support!