Solitary Confinement
Solitary confinement is the practice of isolating prisoners alone in a small cell for 22 hours or more per day with little meaningful human contact. Research shows that prisoners can suffer irreversible and harmful psychological effects from isolation after 15 days.
Disciplinary Charges
In BC, prison staff adjudicate disciplinary hearings against prisoners accused of violating institutional rules. There is a lack of independence in a system where the offended party is the judge.
Transgender Prisoners
CSC has adopted new policies to protect transgender prisoner rights long recommended by the West Coast Prison Justice Society, including placement by gender identity.
Immigration Status
Prisoners without immigration status are now protected by the Canadian Human Rights Act.
Prisoners’ Legal Services
302-7818 6th Street
Burnaby, BC
Tel: 604-636-0470
Fax: 604-636-0480

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How to Show Your Support
Help us to continue to fight for the human rights of prisoners in BC! PLS is currently litigating the important systemic issues of the segregation of prisoners with mental disabilities, access to health care, transgender prisoner rights, and access to religion and Indigenous spirituality. We need help to continue to do this important work. Donations to West Coast Prison Justice Society are non-charitable and are not tax deductible.
Donations can be made to
West Coast Prison Justice Society
Please call us at 604-636-0470 or email us at if you would like to discuss your donation.
Thanks for your support!