Canada proposes increasing prison disciplinary fines
Federal prisoners earn very little in wages or welfare while in prison. Working prisoners are required to pay for room, board and the telephone system as well as fees for the Inmate Welfare Fund, over the counter medications, stamps and stationary. Many are trying to save money to support their families or to prepare for a successful release to the community.
The federal government is proposing increasing the fines for disciplinary convictions to up to $50 for minor charges, $100 for serious charges and $200 for repeat offenders. Prisoners can be charged for relatively insignificant conduct such as disobeying a justifiable order of a staff member, cell visiting or being disrespectful toward a staff member. A fine for a serious charge could represent more than one and a half months’ income, or almost three months’ income for a repeat charge.
Prisoners’ Legal Services made submissions to the federal government regarding these proposed amendments. You can read our submissions here.
Prisoners’ Legal Services
302-7818 6th Street
Burnaby, BC
Tel: 604-636-0470
Fax: 604-636-0480

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Help us to continue to fight for the human rights of prisoners in BC! PLS is currently litigating the important systemic issues of the segregation of prisoners with mental disabilities, access to health care, transgender prisoner rights, and access to religion and Indigenous spirituality. We need help to continue to do this important work. Donations to West Coast Prison Justice Society are non-charitable and are not tax deductible.
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West Coast Prison Justice Society
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